Biggie Smalls Autopsy Photos

Biggie Smalls Autopsy Photos
  1. Biggie Autopsy Photos In Color
  2. Biggie Death Photo

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Biggie autopsy photos in color

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The video shows when shots were fired into The Notorious B.I.G’s GMC Suburban SUV vehicle as it was stopped at traffic lights in Los Angeles on March 9, 1997.

The gunman is believed to have been a man in a Chevrolet Impala SS that pulled up alongside Biggie’s car right before he was shot.

But despite a huge investigation, the suspect was never found and Biggie’s killer remains at large.

However, a clue to who killed the 24-year-old may be in a video of the shooting.


KILLED: Biggie Smalls was shot dead in a drive-by in Los Angeles

Biggie Autopsy Photos In Color

The death of the world's greatest rapper: NOTORIOUS BIG – in pictures

Biggie Death Photo

The shooting of Notorious BIG sent shockwaves across the world when he was killed in 1997. Considered by many to be one of the greatest rappers ever, his funeral saw masses turn out to pay their respects
Rapper Notorious BIG aka Biggie Smalls rolls a cigar outside his mother's house in Brooklyn

“I have a very good idea who murdered Christopher”

Voletta Wallace

The grainy footage shows a bloke apparently calmly walking away from the scene while other pedestrians run towards Biggie’s car.

The video is being shared online as people mark the 20th anniversary of his death.

After he was killed, many people speculated it was linked to the murder of fellow rapper Tupac Shakur, who died six months later.

The two were killed in identical drive-by styles and were both known to be involved in the East Coast-West Coast rap rivalry.

Notorious B.I.G. performing at Meadowlands, New Jersey, 1995

Biggie's mum revealed she believes she knows who killed her son on that fateful night in 1997.

'I have a very good idea who murdered Christopher and I genuinely believe that the LAPD know exactly who did too,' Voletta Wallace told MailOnline.

'They’ve done their investigation, but they just refuse to move forward. I don’t know why they haven’t arrested who was involved.

'It seems to me that it’s one giant conspiracy, and someone is definitely being protected somewhere down the line.'

Last month, a guy’s drunken selfie went viral with people claiming a man in it was Biggie.

The doppelgänger – wearing a cream coloured suit – is a dead ringer for the hip hop icon.

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