Password List Download

A simple and portable application that helps you generate random passwords that can be exported to plain text file format by specifying the number of passwords and including special symbols

What's new in Password List Generator 2.0.0:

  • Greatly improved speed (especially with 'Write directly to file' option
  • set)
  • Speed status (shows at what speed your passwords are being generated)
  • Progressive List Generator. A whole lot faster way to generated huge sorted lists without randomness. Up to 1000 times faster than Random Generation. Possibility to generate a full set of all possible character combinations. Also shows estimated file size for the given settings.
Read the full changelog
  1. Password list download below, best word list and most common passwords are super important when it comes to password cracking and recovery, as well as the whole selection of actual leaked password databases you can get from leaks and hacks like Ashley Madison, Sony and more.
  2. The Big WPA List files will need to be extracted after downloading. Direct Download Links BIG-WPA-LIST-1 Openload 247MB BIG-WPA-LIST-1 MediaFire BIG-WPA-LIST-1 4shared BIG-WPA-LIST-2 Openload 307MB BIG-WPA-LIST-2 4shared BIG-WPA-LIST-3 Openload 277MB BIG-WPA-LIST-3 4shared Darkc0de.lst Openload 17.4MB Default Backtrack 5 Dictionary.

Password List This printable form can be used to write down logins and passwords to various online accounts and kept in a secure place. Download DOC Version (free).

Password List Generator is a compact program that can help you create a list of passwords for a large number of users. If you are a network administrator and have to assign a new password to every user you can find this application very useful.

It might seem like an easy job when your network is made up of ten computers but it quickly becomes a burden when you have more than fifty and you need to do this on a regular basis.

The advantages of being portable

Since this is a portable program, it is important to mention that it doesn’t leave any traces in the Windows Registry. Youtube zikir indah.

You can copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices, and take it with you whenever you need to generate passwords on the breeze, without having to go through installation steps.

Password configuration options

The application allows you to specify the characters that will be used (letters and/or numbers) and the number of symbols in order to create passwords that are hard to guess. For most users a 10-character password would be enough but you can also generate a two thousand character password if you aim for extreme security.

Secure your applications with random passwords

You can use this application to change the password for your email account and get rid of the stereotypes like 'Michael1982,' which are also very weak countersigns. This might be a good idea since a randomly generated password provides better security than one that includes common words or names.


The list of passwords can include a large number of entries and it is generated almost instantly. The program creates a list of 15-character passwords with one thousand entries in about three seconds. It can be done faster if you choose to minimize the application.

Exporting feature

The list of passwords can be saved as a text file in a location of you choice. Before saving it you can sort the list alphabetically if you want to locate an entry quicker. From the text document you can assign them to the users by pasting the lines in a table with the user names.

Bottom line

This program has a clear interface and it guarantees to solve your password problem in a matter of seconds.

Filed under

Password List Generator was reviewed by Sorin CirnealaPassword List Download

Password List Generator is part of these download collections: Password Generators, Create Passwords

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Password List Generator 2.0.0

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I notice that in /usr/share/wordlists in Kali Linux (former Backtrack) there are some lists. Are they used to bruteforce something? Is there specific list for specific kind of attacks?


4 Answers

Kali linux is a distribution designed for penetration testing and computer forensics, both which involve password cracking. So you are right in thinking that word lists are involved in password cracking, however it's not brute force.

Brute force attacks try every combination of characters in order to find a password, while word lists are used in dictionary based attacks. Many people base their password on dictionary words, and word lists are used to supply the material for dictionary attacks. The reason you want to use dictionary attacks is that they are much faster than brute force attacks. If you have many passwords and you only want to crack one or two then this method can yield quick results, especially if the password hashes are from places where strong passwords are not enforced.

Typical tools for password cracking (John the Ripper, ophtcrack, hashcat, etc) can do several types of attacks including:

  • Standard brute force: all combinations are tried until something matches. You tpyically use a character set common on the keyboards of the language used to type the passwords, or you can used a reduced set like alphanumneric plus a few symbols. the size of the character set makes a big difference in how long it takes to brute force a password. Password length also makes a big difference. This can take a very long time depending on many factors
  • Standard dictionary: straight dictionary words are used. It's mostly used to find really poor passwords, like password, password123, system, welcome, 123456, etc.
  • Dictionary attack with rules: in this type dictionary words are used as the basis for cracks, rules are used to modify these, for instance capitalizing the first letter, adding a number to the end, or replacing letters with numbers or symbols

Rules attacks are likely the best bang for the buck if all you have are standard computing resources, although if you have GPUs available brute-force attacks can be made viable as long as the passwords aren't too long. It depends on the password length, hashing/salting used, and how much computing power you have at your disposal.


One of the better basic wordlists in Kali is /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz. To unzip simply run gzip -d /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz.

Be sure to add 'known weak' passwords that are used by the organization you are testing. I like to add these 'additional' custom passwords to the top so they are tested first.

Common Password List Download

Password List Download

Those lists can be used to feed into several programs. So for instance aircrack-ng has an option -w where it takes a wordlist as argument. The password testing program John the Ripper also takes wordlists to accelerate the guessing.


In addition to what's already mentioned here, the wordlists are used in conjunction with some of the web app tools and things such as sqlmap. If you're looking for places to use them, download some of the 'boot to root' VMs like Kioptrix and De-ICE and have a go at brute-ing some passwords.

As for specific lists for specific types of hacks - not really. Unless you're doing something targeted against a person you know some facts about (in which case you'll use something like CUPP - Common User Passwords Profiler - to generate a custom wordlist for that particular target).


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